Bryan Chester, PE
Associate Director, Structural Engineering
With more than ten years of engineering experience, Bryan serves as a Associate Director, Structural Engineering at HLZAE. Bryan draws upon his experience with the rehabilitation of highway bridges to maintain the structural and architectural integrity of buildings in New York. Bryan is well-versed in structural analysis and investigation of new and existing structures, the latest techniques of Non-Destructive Evaluation (NDE), and historic façade restoration.
Some of Bryan’s projects include a significant vault replacement at 377 Broadway, a commercial property in Lower Manhattan, involving the design of new structural steel framing for a long span vault that spans a private street and supports vehicular loads. At Hammel Houses, a fourteen building NYHCHA residential community in Far Rockaway, Bryan led the design of significant steel framing for the addition of two stories and a new mezzanine at the boiler plant, steel roof dunnage for new emergency generators and electrical rooms at all buildings and the hardening of first floor facades for future flood event resiliency. At Cadman Towers in Brooklyn, he analyzed the existing reinforced concrete structure at the lower roof terraces and designed the reinforcement for the addition of significant loads from a new modern park space.
Bryan earned his Bachelor’s degree in Civil Engineering at the Pennsylvania State University. He is a licensed professional engineer in New York, New Jersey and Pennsylvania, a member of the American Society of Civil Engineers, and is certified in SPRAT Rope Access Level 1. He oversees many of the firm’s Class 1 Special Inspections. Bryan is also a Qualified Exterior Wall Inspector (QEWI), Qualified Parking Structure Inspector (QPSI) and Qualified Retaining Wall Inspector (QRWI).
Structural Design & Analysis, Sidewalk Vaults, Fire Escapes, Fire and Emergencies, Special Inspections, Parking Garages, Industrial Rope Access
20 Exchange Place
33 Irving Place
55 Wall Street
56-11 94th Street
75 Rockefeller Plaza
88 Greenwich Street
120 Greenwich Street
206 Fifth Avenue
206 Fifth Avenue
215 West 98th Street
284 Lafayette Street
311 East 11th Street
377 Broadway
Hammel Houses