Important Updates to Sprinkler Systems

July 11, 2024

What you need to know…

The DOB recently made updates to the rules that apply to Sprinkler Systems. This update includes a change that no longer allows your building sprinklers to tap into domestic lines.

What this means:

This means that the current sprinkler systems in your building will need to be re-evaluated to ensure it is not tied into the domestic lines of your building if a planned alteration to the sprinklers and/or the room are planned, and the building has an existing automatic standpipe.

If a building is equipped with an automatic standpipe system, any sprinklers currently connected to the domestic water system must be modified and connected to the standpipe when the sprinkler system is altered or the room it serves is renovated under a filed alteration.

This code change no longer permits sprinklers to be connected to the domestic water system if an automatic standpipe is present and modifications are being made to the sprinkler system or the rooms it serves. This will impact laundry rooms and other smaller amenity spaces or common areas, typically located at the cellar level of residential buildings.
These modifications must first be evaluated by a registered design professional (RDP) and then filed by the RDP with the NYC Department of Buildings (DOB). Subsequently, a NYC licensed fire suppression contractor can pull the necessary permits and make the required modifications, which may include water tank adjustments feeding the building’s existing automatic standpipe and changes to the sprinkler piping and heads.

How HLZAE Can Help

HLZAE is able to help to find the best solution for your building then make the necessary modifications. We have the capability to devise an alternative solution by analyzing your current building systems and accommodate the current situation of your building.

These updates must be implemented by both a registered design professional and a licensed master plumber which includes a DOB filing and permits. HLZAE is equipped with the staff to complete and file the necessary documentation to mitigating the risk of potential fines. Right now, this doesn’t seem to be a proactive pursuit by the DOB, but rather flagged when updates or changes to your space and building occur. 

Have questions for what this means for your building? Schedule a consultation with one of our MEP experts:

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