DOB NOW Website Updates – Phase 1
December 23, 2020

A major expansion and upgrade to the DOB NOW website is currently underway. As part of this upgrade, the DOB is rolling out phases of updates as they transition away from the current DOB BIS site. For the first phase beginning Monday, December 28th, the General Construction (GC) Alt 2 work type will be transitioning to electronic submissions on DOB NOW. This includes all job types other than new buildings; including: construction, chimney, façade, and enlargement.
Any filing not in “Application Processed” status by the end of the work day on Wednesday, December 23rd will need to be submitted on the DOB NOW portal beginning on December 28th. For additional information, see the following DOB Service Notice.
To log into DOB NOW, all users are required to have an active eFiling account specific to their license/registration type, if applicable. To create an eFiling account, visit the DOB NOW Registration Page for assistance.
The DOB is offering free training sessions to explain the new processes and demonstrate how to use DOB NOW: Build. Visit the DOB NOW Training Page to register for training and to access step-by-step guides, user manuals, and videos.
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